Dr. Andrew P. Black

D.Phil., Programming Research Group, University of Oxford (England).

Professor, Department of Computer Science,
Portland State University

Office: FAB Room 115-10
Email: black
+1 503 725 2411        (Fax: +1 503 725 3211)

Recent Technical talks


Office Hours

Spring Quarter 2009 Office hours
By appointment; send an email to make an appointment.


Title Course number When taught
Computer Science for Beginners CS 199 Summer 2009, MTWR 09:15–11:35
Computational Structures CS 311 Most recently taught Spring 2008
Extreme Programming: Principles & Practice CS 410/510XP Most recently taught Summer 2006
Advanced Programming
(with Mark Jones)
CS 410/510AP Winter 2009; TR 16:40–18:30 Clay 204
Object-Oriented Programming CS 420/520 Most recently taught Winter 2007
Scholarship Skills (with Todd Leen) CS 569/669 Winter 2009, TR 14:00–15:20
Distributed Computing CS 410/510 Most recently taught Spring 2005

Courses previously taught at OGI/OHSU

Research Interests

My research interests are in the area of programming languages, operating systems, object-oriented systems and distributed computing, and more specifically in the region where they overlap (such as language design for distributed Object-oriented computing.)

My favorite system for trying out ideas is Squeak Smalltalk. I have written a few Squeak goodies that I believe are generally useful. I have been actively working on Traits with the folks from SCG in Bern; see Nathanael Schärli's Traits page for details.

We have just released a first edition of a new book for Squeak programmers: Squeak by Example.

Professional Background

A complete summary of my professional background over the course of my career is available.

Personal Stuff

My hobbies include cycling, cross-country skiing, hiking, mending houses.

Take a look at some recent (and not so recent) photographs

Old AOP Examples
OGI Symposium on Software, Science & Society Website
Andrew's home page from Digital
Andrew's Bookmarks
Andrew P Black
Most recently updated: 8.5.2009 at 16:16