CS 532: Operating Systems Foundations

Winter 2020

Professor Karen L. Karavanic (karavan at pdx.edu)

Lecture: Tuesday/Thursday 6:40 pm - 8pm EB 92

Status of CAT facilities

Textbook (Required)

Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces
Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau and Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau
Arpaci-Dusseau Books
(Version 1.00)

Available at: http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~remzi/OSTEP/

Note: you can use the free online version, or pay $10 for a complete .pdf with glossary, links, etc. Also you may choose the hardcopy options for $22 softcover or $38 hardcover. Any of these options include all of the material needed for the course, just choose the most convenient for your needs.

Course Mailing List

Please be sure you check mail to your .pdx.edu account. The instructor may send out announcements using this. It is also added to a google list intended for student discussion.

Getting Started

You will need a CS account and badge access to the CS Linux Labs.

You will need to learn to use an editor such as VIM or emacs on the Linux Lab machines.

You will need to program and understand C.

See The Laboratory Tutorial in Appendix F

Course Information

Course Description
Tentative Schedule This schedule is subject to change
Lecture Materials
Practice Exercises
Useful Resources