Summary of Creating Programs on UNIX


CS 162: Introduction to Computer Science II



Program Assignment:


  1. Login to Odin using ssh or putty ( If you don't have an odin account or password you will need to get one. If you don't have one go to:   and for help go to:
    1. Start up the program called ssh – you should be able to find a free site from which to download it. It is a secure shell program and allows your computer to act as a ‘dumb terminal’ for logging in remotely. You start up ssh by double clicking on it.
    2. Then, connect to:
    3. Use your odin login name and password


  1. When you login into Odin, Hit return. Then hit 4 <enter> to exit the menu.


  1. The very first time you login to Odin to do your Computer Science homework, you should create a directory where your programs will live (and where you will work from. To make a new directory type:


mkdir cs162 <enter>


  1. From then on, you will need to travel to that directory to actually get your work done. This will need to happen each time you login. So, to enter that directory to start to work type:


cd cs162 <enter>


  1. Now you are ready to start typing in your program. Use pico to type in a program. So, type at the unix prompt: 


pico prog1.cpp <enter>


  1. Enter in the program; you can use the error keys and delete to fix mistakes and move the cursor around. There is a menu that appears at the bottom of the pico screen.


  1. When done hit control o at the same time to write it out and control x to exit.


  1. Compile your C++ source code file. The command to do this is:


g++ prog1.cpp<enter>


  1. If your program successfully compiles, it will produce a file named 'a.out' in your directory. Otherwise, you will need to correct syntax errors before continuing - by using pico again:


pico prog1.cpp<enter>


  1.  One common mistake is to make typos!


  1. Run your program by typing:




  1. On due dates, Email your program to

(notice the email address is different than your teacher’s email address…)


One way to email in UNIX is to use pine. This allows you to attach the program file to your email message, which the grader likes the best.


Before you use pine, you should find out the name of the path where your file is located. Type pwd<enter> and see what it says…my directory says:



Now we are ready to get into the pine email system:


pine <enter>


·       Select C to compose a message


·       Put in the To: area


·       Arrow down to the Attchmnt: area


·       Type in your program name with its full path

(e.g., mine is:   /u/karlaf/cs162/prog1.cpp)



·       The subject should have (a) class name, (b) the word Submission, and (c) your name

(e.g., CS162 Submission from Beth Miller)


·     The body of the email can be left blank unless you need to communicate something to the grader.


·     To send the email press control X at the same time



  1. Another way to email programs is to copy them onto your PC and email them as an attachment using your normal email program (I use outlook).


A great program for transferring files from UNIX to your PC (and vice versa) is WinSCP. It is free software that you can download and it works great.