Program Grading Information

CS 162: Introduction to Computer Science

Winter 2013


Program (60 points max)                         

Complete (35)                                                                         Does not Compile (-25)

Quality Program Design and Organization (15)         Seg Faults (-10)


Output Correct and Clear (10)                       


Discussion of the Algorithm (20 points max)

Complete, Readable, Written in Complete Sentences (10)

o   Written in Outline form for the first two programs

o    It is expected that you will write a step-by-step algorithm for the major tasks in your programming project this term. It should be submitted as a separate document in the D2L dropbox for each assignment. Prefer word, pdf or plain text.

o    Your algorithm should be written in English using complete sentences. Each major task should be described (in one sentence); pseudo code may be used to describe the detail of each of these tasks.


Reflects Program Organization (10)


Program Style, comments, and documentation (20 points max)

Headers Describing Program/Functions Purpose and Arguments (for each function) (5)

o   Includes your name in the program

o   If your program has multiple files, your name must be in each file

o   Each file has a header comment describing the purpose of the file

o   Every function has a header comment describing the purpose of the function and arguments

Indentation for all blocks/ White Space between major blocks (5)

In-line Comments for each major block of code and Overall Documentation (5)

Follows the Style Sheet (5)