Assignment #3

CS 162: Introduction to Computer Science


Submit your assignment to the D2L Dropbox

Email a backup copy to

***Assignments in CS162 consist of written homework and programming***



1.      Terminology. Define the following terms in your own words and given an example of how each is used


·         Loop invariant

·         Unit testing

·         Implicit type conversion

·         Debugger

·         Assertion


2.      Create an Algorithm for the testing software. When you think about writing code, just getting the program to compile is just one part of the process. To really know if your program is working, you need to test it in all different ways. Unit testing is a great approach. Write an algorithm for testing program #2 using the concept of unit testing. Be thorough. Looking back, did this process uncover mistakes made with the assignment?


3.      Style: Take a look at your program #2. Examine how you used functions, arguments, and where your comments were. Did you comment all variables? Was your algorithm clear so that someone could write a program based on the algorithm with no other knowledge beside syntax. Discuss your findings as they relate to style.


4.      Ethics. The user of computer technology reaches non-programmers on a daily basis with the use of smart phones and the internet. Ethical violations can cause dramatic repercussions throughout our culture if not handled. This is why thinking about how we deal with ethical issues from a computer science perspective even more important.


Come up with an example of computer activity that is legal but not necessarily ethical in regards to the privacy of information. For Write 5 complete sentences with your thoughts.



Programming Assignment. The purpose of the third program is to practice with structures, more practice with writing functions with arguments and storing data in external data files.


Background: Have you ever wanted to go to Comic-Con? It is the international educational corporation dedicated to creating awareness and appreciation for comics and the like.  It all started in 1970 when a group of comics, movie and science fiction fans got together to put on the first comic book convention. Every year, in San Diego, CA, they put on a convention where attendance can be of 130,000 people! Space is at a premium. And, it isn’t all about comic books. There are programming events, games, anime, film, and so on. It is so huge, just imagine the software needed to assist with scheduling events, special guests (comic creators, sci fi and fantasy authors and so on) together to make it work.


Your Assignment: You will be writing a program to schedule booths and events in a small annex of Comic-Con that can hold up to 20 booths and 1 event per day (3 days). As vendors sign up for booths your program will assign them one of the booth locations (1-20). The information you will keep about each vendor will include (you can always add more):

  1. The name of the Vendor (e.g., Helock Comics)
  2. Category (comics, sci fi, t-shirts, photo-op, etc.)
  3. A description (e.g., Back for the 3rd year in a row…)
  4. Email (or facebook page)


Events include featured guests. One per day is scheduled for the annex that you will be managing. For guests you will keep track of at least:

  1. Their name (e.g., Jackson Botwick)
  2. Accomplishments (e.g., actor in Captain Marvel and Tron)


Your job for program #1 is to allow the user to enter in the above information until all 20 booths (at most) have been reserved and 3 events scheduled (at most).  Hint: You will need to use arrays of structures for this!


A large piece of this assignment is to use external data files, so that all this information is stored and won’t be lost next time the program is run. Be creative with the files used, but plan ahead so that there is consistency in your design. Consider having more than a single file – one for vendors and one for events? Your choice!


Remember with external data files, the information that you store in the files must be written in such a way that it is easy to read it back in. Also, make sure to keep all files in your “current working directory” on unix as the grader will not be able to replicate your directory structure.


Once vendors and events are stored, allow the usr to find out what booth location a particular vendor is showing at and display the schedule of events. For debugging purposes you should be able to display all vendors as well.


To get full credit for the programming portion, you will need to:

1.      Turn in an algorithm written using full English sentences (it may be provided in outline form, paragraph form, or graphical (such as a data flow diagram)). It can be supplied as part of your header comments or as a separate file.

2.      Program using a consistent style of indentation, header comments for each function, inline comments for each major block of code

3.      Make sure to put your name in your program

4.      Submit an electronic copy of your .cpp file as an attached file to the dropbox on D2L (go to: to login). This should also include your data files. Make sure to hit the submit button after uploading your files (otherwise they will be lost)

5.      As a backup, please also email your work (as attached file(s)) to

6.      Remember to turn in an algorithm with your programming portion. It is worth 20% of your program grade.

7.      And, don’t forget to add comments and to work on your program’s readability; this is another 20%!!