Assignment #1

CS 162: Introduction to Computer Science



Submit your assignment to the D2L Dropbox

Email a backup copy to

***Assignments in CS162 consist of written homework and programming***

The written portion MUST be turned in to get a grade on an assignment


LATE work will be accepted – but ONLY within a week of the original due date.

We do not accept late work beyond that. There are no exceptions.



1.      Create an Algorithm for the process of how to be successful with this course. Think about what you will need to do this term, in a step by step fashion, to be successful in CS162. This should include when and how you will watch (or attend) course lectures, your plan for the labs, readings, and so on. This algorithm is especially important for those of you online students – getting behind is one of the biggest risks of taking this course online!


Things to think about…Is there any prep work that needs to take place for you to be successful? Do you make a habit of writing small programs to solidify constructs? How do you plan to stay on track? Think of (a) what you will need to do (read the syllabus…etc.) (b) when you need to do each of these, and then (c) think about how best you learn and what you will need to do to take what is discussed or taught and be able to apply it.


Algorithms should be written in outline form using complete sentences.


2.      Ethics. In Computer Science we are responsible for the software that may have a much larger impact on people lives than we imagine. Over the last few months there have been many major web site revisions (my bank for example). The user interface is improved, but now it takes so long to load and I can’t get access to transactions earlier than 90 days. Now without printed statements, I have no access without ordering statements to review past history with no notification. Is this ethical? Have you experienced changes online that  don’t seem right? At what point are changes not ethical? Write 5 complete sentences with your thoughts about these ethical concerns.



3.      Programming Assignment



The purpose of this first program is get you familiar with the fundamental syntax of C++ and the process of writing and turning in programs at PSU. Once you read the assignment, you will realize that it really is part of a much larger project – to which we will not be implementing at this time. So, it is just to demonstrate some simple interactions between the user and program. For those of you who already know C++, use this program as a refresher and stretch yourself to do more than is assigned! The first part of the program needs to be an algorithm.



I was just having a conversation with my mom and she was convinced that it was 20 degrees yesterday (obviously her car thermostat was not accurate). So I started search the web for information about the weather and although I found current, forecasted weather and historical (1 year ago), finding the last week’s averages were not as simple.


      Your job is to create a program that prompts the user for weather information for the last week (low, high, amount of rain, and wind). Your program should also show how well the forecasters predicted – so if they said there was a 90% chance of precipitation, did it actually rain?


Your job will be to:

1.      Prompt and read from the user for each of the above amounts for a given day (low temperature, high temperature, amount of rain, and wind speed).

2.      Prompt and read from the user what was forecasted for that day

3.      Echo the amounts read in

4.      Your software will calculate the high, low, averages from what was read

5.      Then calculate how relevant the forecast was

6.      Do this again for a 5 day period or until the user wants to quit

7.      Display the results including the performance of the forecasters!

8.      Allow the user to start again with different values (from scratch) if they desire

9.      EXTRA CREDIT will be given to individuals that work ahead and start to incorporate arrays to hold the temperatures for each day of the week. This, however, is not required.



Things you should part of your program:

1.      Make sure to prompt the user for any input requested. Make sure it is clear from your prompts what the user is expected to do.

2.      The program should continue until the user wants to quit. Allow them to continue until they are done.

3.      You may not use any global variables in this program!

4.      You may not use the string class but you are allowed to use arrays.

5.      Make sure to use C++’s I/O (iostream library) for your input and output.

6.      Although functions are not required for this assignment, they are always advised!


To get full credit for the programming portion, you will need to:

1.      Turn in an algorithm written using full English sentences (the algorithm will be pass/no-pass for the first assignment).

2.      Program using a consistent style of indentation, header comments for each function, inline comments for each major block of code

3.      Submit an electronic copy of your .cpp file as an attached file to the dropbox on D2L (go to: to login). Make sure to hit the submit button after uploading your files (otherwise they will be lost)

4.      As a backup, please also email your work (as attached file(s)) to This is REALLY important if the code is not properly submitted to D2L or if D2L is down. However, the grader DOES NOT grade from this location – it is purely a backup system.