Assignment #2

CS 162: Introduction to Computer Science


Submit your assignment to the D2L Dropbox

Email a backup copy to

***Assignments in CS162 consist of written homework and programming***

The written portion MUST be turned in to get a grade on an assignment


LATE work will be accepted – but ONLY within a week of the original due date.

We do not accept late work beyond that



1.      Create an Algorithm for the process that you go through to learn new syntax (e.g., learning the “for” loop). What steps did you take to learn it – and how would you train someone else to go through this process. Give your algorithm to a friend (someone who doesn’t necessarily know C++!) and see if they can go through the steps!


2.      Terminology – explain what the following terms mean and give an example of how it is used in your own words.

·      Loop invariant

·      Side effects

·      Modular programming


3.      Ethics and Security. Last assignment you addressed issues of software usability and revisions and how those errors cause ethical and legal implications. Computer ethics also involves the security of data. When people use computer software, they may gain access to sensitive or secure information, such as your bank account balance, account number, or credit card number. Have you ever wondered how secure your credit card information is when you shop (now with Target it may not be so secure!)


As a software designer, what could be done to limit someone’s exposure to sensitive data  - limiting the risk of identify theft? Write 5 complete sentences with your thoughts.




·         Remember to write an algorithm for the program and pay close attention to “style”!

·         Also, do your work for your programming part on either of these systems:

1.    (linux)

2.                  (unix)


4.      Programming. The purpose of the second program is to continue refining our programming skills in C++ and practice using arrays of characters, the subscript operator, functions with arguments. Our goal is to create programs with small functions where main delegates to a series of functions where the real work takes place. In this programming assignment, you are not allowed to use global variables; this means that all variables must be defined within your functions and then passed to other functions as needed. Limit your functions to no more than 30 statements of code (for executable statements, not counting variable definitions, blank lines, lines with just curly brackets, or comments).


Program Assignment:

            As I sit here at my computer, surrounded by my grid of 7 monitors, I realize that I spend great quantity of time typing and relying on “word processor” type of software to correct my errors. Common errors that I make include not capitalizing at the right time, or capitalizing too often, spelling “the” wrong (my fingers type at a rate that it always comes out “teh”). But sometimes, like when I am on my iPad, I need a document correct without all of the overhead of a word processor.


Your job, this time, will be to create a program that will correct common errors in a paragraph entered by the user. Allow the user to enter in a paragraph, with no more than 300 characters. Have the user type the ‘#’ when they are done entering in the paragraph. Then, your program should correct the following and output the new paragraph:


·      The first letter of the paragraph should be capitalized

·      The first letter of each sentence should be capitalized. A sentence is defined to end with a period, exclamation point, or question mark.

·      Prompt the user for a commonly misspelled word (e.g., “teh”) and ask for the correct spelling (e.g., “the”). Replace all occurrences of the misspelled word with the correct replacement.

·      Make sure there are TWO SPACES after each period.


            Once this is completed for the paragraph, and the new paragraph displayed. Allow the user to do this again!


***You are always welcome to do more! But, really focus on making general purpose functions that can be re-used. Anytime you have code that has already existed elsewhere (such as to error check input or give the user another chance), write a function instead!


Things you should part of your program:

1.      Make sure to prompt the user for any input requested. Make sure it is clear from your prompts what the user is expected to do.

2.      Use the cstring library with strlen to determine the length of the words entered.

3.      Use the subscript operator [] to work with individual characters in the paragraph

4.      Consider having a SECOND array for the result. It will be easier than trying to move around characters in the original array.

5.      PRACTICE USING both pass by value and pass by reference!

6.      PRACTICE having functions return a value

7.      You may not use any global variables in this program!

8.      You may not use the string class – instead use arrays of characters

9.      Make sure to use C++’s I/O (iostream library) for your input and output.

10.  After each input operation, make sure to use cin.ignore to remove the delimiters!

11.  FUNCTIONS are required for this assignment, along with BOTH pass by value and pass by reference!


To get full credit for the programming portion, you will need to:

1.      Turn in an algorithm written using full English sentences (it may be provided in outline form, paragraph form, or graphical (such as a data flow diagram)). It can be supplied as part of your header comments or as a separate file.

2.      Program using a consistent style of indentation, header comments for each function, inline comments for each major block of code

3.      Make sure to put your name in your program

4.      Submit an electronic copy of your .cpp file as an attached file to the dropbox on D2L (go to: to login). Make sure to hit the submit button after uploading your files (otherwise they will be lost)

5.      As a backup, please also email your work (as attached file(s)) to