CS3/586, Introduction to Databases, Fall 2009


Homework 1 Due in class before the lecture begins Thursday Oct 8.


You may do this assignment as an individual or as part of a team of two persons.   If you work in a team, then turn in one assignment paper, with both of your names on the paper.  [n] means the question is worth n%.  Grammar and spelling matter.  Type the text; you may draw the diagrams.

1.[25] Draw a UML ER diagram to keep track of information for an online bookstore with the following characteristics.  Include cardinality constraints.

·        Each book has a unique publisher, unique ISBN, year, title and price, one or more authors.  Each author has a dedication (perhaps empty) in each book.

·        Each author has a unique name,  URL and address.  

·        Each publisher has a name, unique address, and phone

·        Some authors have a contract with a publisher.  These contracts have beginning and end dates.  An author is not allowed to have a contract with more than one publisher.



2[25]. Draw a UML ER diagram to keep track of bank systems with the following characteristics.  Include cardinality constraints.

·        Each bank has a unique code, a name and an address

·        Each branch belongs to a bank and has a branch number within that bank and an address.

·        Each branch has a manager, who has a ssn and a name.  A manager may manage up to 4 branches.

·        Each customer has an ssn and an address.

·        Ordinary loans, between a customer and a branch, have a duration and an amount. 

·        Subprime loans, also between a customer and a branch, also have a duration and an amount, but are under the supervision of a manger.


3.                  [15] Here is a legal instance of an employee relation, with the given attributes:

a.                               If there is an example of an attribute or set of attributes that you can deduce is not a primary or a candidate key, give one.  If not, explain why.

b.      If there is an example of an attribute that you can deduce is a primary or candidate key, give one.  If not, explain why.


4.                  [10] Consider the relations Students, Faculty, etc on page 13 of our text.  Describe all the foreign key constraints among these relations.  Assume the normal meaning of each attribute.


5. [25]  Here is an ER diagram.  Translate it into a relational schema, preserving all information.  In your schema, indicate primary keys and foreign keys.