CNS Core: Small: attaining Multi-Terabit/sec Wireless Data Rates

Frequently Asked Questions

4 frequency bands: WR6.5 (110-170 GHz), WR4.3 (170-250 GHz), WR2.2 (325-500 GHz), WR1.5 (500-750 GHz)

7 frequencies: 140 GHz, 220 GHz, 340 GHz, 410 GHz, 460 GHz, 500 GHz, 680 GHz

Based on an equation in "Experimental Throughput Analysis of Low-THz MIMO Communication Channel in 5G Wireless Networks"

IF: 1kHz, Average: 10, number of points: varies with frequency bands so that frequency step is 0.1 GHz: WR6.5 (601 points), WR4.3 (801 points), WR2.2 (1751 points), WR1.5 (2501 points)

2x2 MIMO (Setup)

RF signal is generated using a VNA and multipled by frequency extender by VDI

Data is saved as .dat file which can be read using MATLAB