CS162 Spring 2010
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Course Description

This term CS162 introduces Computer Science using C++. Some of you coming into the course will already know C++, others will not. CS162 will provide introductory material regarding C++ for people that have already learned how to program in a high level programming class. In addition, CS162 provides an introduction to software design, use of a variety of data structures, data abstraction, and recursion.

Before taking this class, students should be familiar (and be able to program) concepts such as variables, conditionals, loops, functions, arguments, and arrays. If you have never written your own programs before...then CS162 is not the right place for you! You should be comfortable with:
· Solving problems with computers
· Understand the concept of algorithms and have experience writing algorithms
· Understand data types, variables, conditions, loops, functions, and arrays in some language
· Writing programs in some language that contain conditions, functions, and loops.
· Been introduced to software design methodologies
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What does it mean to be online?

This term there are two sections of CS162. One is an “online” section and the other is an “in-class” section. The only difference between these sections is that the in-class students are guaranteed to have a seat available. Students in the online section must watch the class remotely, streamed on the web. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT that if you are taking the class as “online” that you watch two lectures a week starting on the first week. Missing lectures may mean missing vital information!

One of the advantages of taking CS162 this term is that it can be viewed online by all students. This means that regardless of which section you have signed up for you can watch the class remotely. Some students use this feature to review for the exams or re-watch material. The class lectures are “streamed” this term, which means that they are video taped and will be available for viewing approx. 24 hours after the in-class lectures have occurred.

Getting Help:

CS162 Announcements:
Important Links:
Great Term!
Practice your LLL in preparation for CS163. You will be expected to be fluent in LLL as you enter CS163.