Matlab Scripts
The following Matlab scripts apply to the Terahertz Database II data. They can be downloaded individually or in a single ZIP archive.
  • Calculates 95% confidence intervals - ConfInterval.m
  • Filter the time domain - filterTimeDomain.m
  • Compute the average power (in watts) for a frequency band - powAverages.m
  • Compute the the power (in watts) for a frequency band - powerCal.m
  • Create a power plot with 95% confidence intervals - powerDiagram.m
  • Reads files from a directory and returns a 2 dimensional array of files - readDir.m
  • Read a picotd file and return the power and amplitude - readPicotd.m
The following Matlab scripts apply to the Terahertz Database I data. They can be downloaded individually or in a single ZIP archive.